Doom3 Demo won't work.

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
it never has, and i still want to play it. it bounces twice in the dock and then quits. this is evident on 10.4.1-10.4.5, clean installs, other users etc. it has never run.

my mac clearly is able to run it, but it won't. does anybody have this problem, does anyone else play it?
no it's sorted it was my fault in the first place. i assumed that the icon i dragged from the doom package folder was the entire app. it wasn't. it resembles halo in this way.

it works fine now after a complete re-download. it works fine, actually at 1280x1024 and on full detail! frame drops to about 15fps at times, but it's manageable when it looks that good. max frame rate on those settings is about 30fps.