Download: Netscape Vs IE


I'm not sure how true this is in X but in 9 i have noticed that Netscape downloads files much faster than IE. I've been downloading OS 9 updates, from, over the past week or so and it took 1/2 as long in Netscape as it did in IE. IE downloaded MUCH slower.

So if your downlading big files try using Netscape.

Netscape 6 is just an outdated version of Mozilla. If you want the latest cores of Netscape, then head on over to and pick up a Nightly Build. It keeps getting better and better! :D
Yes get Mozilla instead of Netscape. Mozilla 1.0 RC1 (Release Candidate 1) was just released the other day. Its very good, apart for the interface....
Thank you fryke, thinking on your toes :). I haven't ever really compared the download speeds of different browsers so I can't really comment on which is the best in that respect except I can say that as of now its really anoying to download in chimera because the progress bar isn't hooked up...
Oops. I wasn't trying to start a which browser is better war. Everyone has their favorite. I just thought it was weird that on different machines, with different connections, Netscape kicked IE's butt in downloading in th OS9 environment.

Both Mozilla and Netscape 6.2 are based on the Gecko rendering engine. Netscape 6.2 is actually a branch from the main Mozilla tree, I believe the branch was at version 0.94. The full details can be found at
