Dreamweaver -- importing pages


I had a folder consisting of 4 .html pages, images, index etc -- a mini site -- that I wanted to include in Dreamweaver site. Most basic methods of moving content like copying/pasting/dragging are not allowed in the DreamWeaver environment. I can open the .htmls and Save As to the main site, but not the images and other bits. How do others handle content not create within the Dreamweaver site itself?
I'm able to drag and drop and move if things are listed in the sites window (f8) if i remember correctly. If you having issues try an actual FTP app. Would that help?
within DW 'DEFINE' a new site (I've got like 12 defined for all my different projects and whatnot). they can reside anywhere on your HD (local or external, though I've just got a number of directories in my ~/Sites/ directory, and each of those dirs has been defined as a separate site in DW), you just point to them, give the site definition a name, and then work on those files w/in DW. In the site browser/viewer (whatever it's called) you can create additional directories, and move files around. As long as you move the files within the DW site viewer Interface, it will aid you in updating links and the like.

hope that answers your question.