Consider this as a warning for anyone out to DL MSN. Microsoft just made their new version of MSN and for about a month been sending me MSN pop ups to upgrade. Funny thing is I'm so use to just closing things like Apple's updates when I don't want to upgrade and that be the end of it. But with Microsoft the only option I get is to "Down Load it", or "remind me in a week" then "ok".
I didn't think it was all that bad but just recently Microsoft has been sending IMs giving me the all important, "You are running a version of messenger that requires an immediate security update. Please visit to complete the update." I of course clicked the link to see what the fuss was about and there was nothing there talking about security. All it said was if I haven't upgraded to what they want me to, do it.
Argh, I need iChat friends (who wants to be my friend!?!::ha:
......ANYWAY, Microsoft is driving me mad to the point if I don't upgrade, I get no peace. Gah, I hate that.