DSL connection lost (works in 9.2.2)


Thanks for any help.

I now use permanently OS X 10.1.3, Yikes 400, 576 ram, etc.

I was surfing on the internet (Explorer) and I lost my dsl connection. It "connects" but receives nothing from the server. The DSL and the Ethernet light on the Speedstream modem are on, but no signal coming in. I've tried to deleting and reconfiguring the Network control panel, and still won't work.
I've called my isp, but frankly they know nothing about OS X (told me to trash my TCP/IP prefs! and said it could be caused by having OS X and 9.2 on same computer!).

Anyways, as of now my dsl connection works when I reboot in OS 9.2.2. So it can't be the cable, or the modem, etc.

Ideas, anyone? Thanks!
In the TCP/IP tab, I choose Via PPP and configure the domaine names. But I also insert stuff in the PPPoE tab, where I choose the option connect via PPPoE.

Hope that helps.
You've got the machine set for PPPoE. The question is: is your DSL device a PPP or PPPoE unit? Mac OS 9 can be set to connect via both because the PPPoE software independent from the PPP software; under OS X, both are controlled by the system. You can have all the PPP information in, but if the "Connect via PPPoE" box is checked under the PPPoE tab, the PPP information will be ignored and only PPPoE will be used.
We're getting there:

The instruction manual for the dsl modem says to check the 'connect via PPPoE' box on the PPPoE tab. So I guess we can conclude that it's a PPPoE device. Sorry for my ignorance...
But the manual also says to configure the PPP section with the domain names, and I remember that the first time I configured it I'd enter the wrong addresses and the connnection failed. So I think that both items are used, PPP and PPPoE. Let me say now something that might be stupid: the modem is a PPPoE device, the server I connect to uses PPP protocol.
Ok, dunno what happened, it works now, didn't work yesterday. Can I state just a teeny complaint? At least in OS 9, I could've point to the culprit. But anyways, thanks for trying to help!
Always eager to help a UNIX (that means Mac, now, too!) user. For reference, all of the PPP information needs to be filled in for PPP, and all of the PPP and PPPoE, including checking the "Connect via PPPoE" box, needs to be filled in for PPPoE. Surf's up!
I guess this problem is going to deeply annoy me. The dsl connection doesn't work now, neither on OS 9.2.2 or OS X. I had it work this morning on both systems, then on os 9 only, then on neither. I'll call my isp again but it's always the same story: trashing prefs, restarting, etc. They don't try to find the culprit, they just look at their troubleshooting book and apply directive #1, 2, 3... So could anyone here help me to find the culprit? It seems that OS X is the problem. If I get it to work on 9, then go back to X, it works for a while and then I lose it on both systems...

Your IP address WILL be reassigned, but have you unplugged the router, powered down the machine, plugged in the router again, and rebooted? There could be an issue with the router. Most of them are slick as hell, but occasionally the manufacturers do a boo-boo. Marton: I have to go now for ~ three hours, but I promise to read and reply to this thread when I get back.
Had to trash TCP/ip prefs in OS 9.2. Then got my dsl line back on track. Then I rebooted in OS X, as expected, won't work. Well, I improvised. I left the domain name fields blank, in the TCP/IP tab. That's it, now it works... What the heck? Go figure, with UNIX and all. If someone could say why, I'd buy him a pint (or more) of this excellent beer we brew here in Montreal...