dual display problem with the 23" and an NEC


My system:
Power Mac G5 Quad
PowerPC G5 (1.1)
Number Of CPUs: 4
CPU Speed: 2.5 GHz
Memory: 5 GB

My graphic card:
GeForce 7800GT

The problem

The issue is this. I have the Apple 23 as my main display and I'm using an NEC for my secondary. Out of the box both screens displayed fine, no issues. A few days later the NEC went black. I tested the NEC on another box and it works fine. The display settings see the NEC as well. I shut down and restarted and it came back. Then this morning It happened again. I tried the reboot, nothing. I tried the reboot with the shift key, nothing. I still can not see anything but a nosignal black screen.

Any help would be great & thanks in advance.