dual display query

billy talent

Hi guys I have a query about how to get my two displays working on my G5, I downloaded the PowerMac G5 Technical Brief and it states that:

All Power Mac G5 cards support two displays: one 20- or 23-inch Apple Cinema Display and one 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display.

this seems to make sense as the two input sockets on the back of my G5 are different sizes, one fits my 20-inch Display, and the other one is a wider input, is there a connector/adapter that I can get hold of so that I can use two 20-inch Displays?

thanks very much,
is one sort of squared like this:

/ ::::::::: + \

and the other sort of similar but rounded, sort of like this:

( ::::::::: + )

yep thats spot on, any idea if there's a part that has ( ::::::::: + ) [male] going to / ::::::::: + \ [female] and what it might be called?

the rounded one is apple's old ADC connector, which very cool, but far too proprietry to last. (it had signal, power, usb and firewire signals all going through one big fat cable, into one port. very tidy...)

the squared off one is the standard Digital Video Interface, or DVI. the current line of Apple Cinema Displays now use DVI to connect to a computer, so everyone can use one.

so, with one DVI port being used up by a 20" cinema display, you will need to change that ADC port to a DVI port (they're actually quite similar).

try this belkin ADC-DVI adaptor


I have that exact same cable inbetween my G5 and my new Dell 2005FPW 20" display. it's really nice having 2.....