Dual Monitors and BIG graphics


I am using an Apple computer to run 2 projectors onto a reverse projection screen, and it works great. Now my questions:
1) I need to switch the graphics through out my production and the images need to be one seamless large image. I do not believe PPT will work for this as it will only clone and run in presenter mode, nothing that will span 2 screens.
2) What size do the graphics need to be?
Any insights would be great. Thanks!
I do not believe PPT will work for this as it will only clone and run in presenter mode, nothing that will span 2 screens.

That's right - it's really not something that PowerPoint is designed for - in fact doing a presentation that spans two screen areas is a pretty unusual task.

I would be trying out using Keynote to make two different presentation files, one for left and one for right, then exporting those as QuickTime files. Then, you'd need to find a solution to get them playing on the different screens - a little bit of coding might be required.

Alternatively, it might be better to just add another computer into the equation, and use one to drive each screen. Find a way to keep them in sync - ie they both respond to the one control - and you'd be set.

2) What size do the graphics need to be?

The same as the resolution of your screens. Check this in System Preferences -> Monitors.
Alternatively, you could get two instances of PPT or Keynote open - though controlling them may be difficult.
Found a great solution! and it is..... FREE an application called change desktop, will allow you to switch the backgrounds on both monitors with a keystroke! So I just need to make the backgrounds, hid the menu with MenuShade and taaaa-daaaaa. Thanks for the help guys.