Dude, you just got busted!

Sweeeeeet :p

Dell just won't be happy till they've copied apple down to the last detail. now they've got their own stoner spokesperson :D

at least we can say ours wasn't stupid enough to get caught. ;)
Dude, I didnt see that coming. :D

It actually might save his career. Perhaps Dell set the whole thing up? :p
Dude, he got off!

So he gets busted and his record is going to be expunged? How does that work?

I feel a bit sad for him, he did popularize Dell for the kids.

Wonder if Dell is going to fire him, I think that was a no-brainer that he was a pot head. That guy was probably high during the shooting of those commercials.
Actually a long time ago I saw an interview with the actor. He actually is an accomplished stage actor and doesn't talk like that in real life. He actually sounds.. how should I say... very effeminate.
from today's paper -

the arresting officer's comment:

"Dude, you're getting a cell." :p
Originally posted by evildan
I feel a bit sad for him, he did popularize Dell for the kids.

...he did? most everyone at my school thinks he was obnoxious
Wonder if Dell is going to fire him

um they said something like " we have been done with the 'dude your getting a dell' commertials for a while and have moved on to the 'intern' commertials"