Dumb a$$ CEO


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So, at work we got this new CEO to help us climb out of Chapter 11. Thats cool and all and hopefully he wouldn't rip us off like our past brass.

Well, that theory was tossed out the window. I found out that our elderly uncomputer savvy dinosaur CEO wants a G5 as his computer. He has no computer exp., someone else does his emails and other dirty work, he does no design, developing, or monitoring. Somehow this does not seem right. Especially when I haven't seen a raise as a NOC monkey in 2 years.

Him having a G5 is like me buying a Porsche to back it to the end of the driveway to pick up my mail. (And, I don't even have a driveway to back down.)
Hey guy, THAT'S LIFE. When you can figure out how to climb to the top of a company and demand and GET these items you THINK you deserve as compensation for YOUR GRAND MASTERY of management and judicious decision making, in addition to your education, expertise and aggressive behavior that will facilitate a focused and organized plan for a company to soar out of Chapter 11, then you can dictate the raise you THINK you're entitled to. Until you can do THAT, you will remain a little tiny worker bee, a BORG DRONE, if you will, chained to that monotonous day in and day out GRIND that whatever it is you call WORK.

Stop complaining about your life and do something proactive to change it. You're the only one who can. Obviously, this new CEO thinks he'll be more efficient in getting his job done with a new G5 for the betterment of the company.
Pretty harsh Chemistry Geek, but man - I actually agree with you...

As un-fair as it feels, if he's the CEO, and he feels the expense is warranted, then that's the end of the story.

I understand your frustration though. The clowns here play a similar game, while we are forced to use old crappy Dells...

So, at least you're using a Mac at your job. I have to bring my own (PB15/1ghz)....
I didn't mean to sound demeaning in any way, but that is how it is. The cold hard truth about business competition, survival of the fittest, so to speak. Businesses that are more efficient than their competitors offer better services and products with higher profits. In some ways, business is like an ecosystem with many biological organisms, sometimes you only get one chance to live and thrive. Eliminating the competition is part of securing resources for the continuation of the organization.
Wow, chem_geek, I had no idea you had it in you, you're my kind of capitalist. Competition is Cool.
Yeah, I'm in the middle of launching a little capitalist venture myself. And depending on when the web site and paper work with the state gets completed, things should get moving pretty quickly after that. I hope it really does well for me and the partners involved with launching the company.
I am starting my local web consultant business, as well.

It's just hard to swallow that this CEO who couldn't record a TV show using that VCR Plus or TV Plus. As not only a worker but a stockholder that lost thousands of dollars from the IPO, I just feel it a waste of the company's cash flow and a gross misuse of Apple's power.

It will be funny to see that his new G5 is not compatible with the way our intranet is set up. I have a G3 which is unable to use the exchange server and print.
You were provided food through your childhood and did not work in a sweatshop 14 hours a day. But the Child who did was barely or maybe not given food at all. Deal =/

P.S. - If you did work in a sweatshop I am sorry about concluding you grew up with food and shelter.
I think some of you are being a bit harsh on quikstreet here. I obviously don't know the ins and outs of his company but you'd think that a new CEO who's trying to take a company out of a slump would have the sense to try and be frugal. I agree with quik, there's a difference between being jealous of the perks that your superiors have and being concerned that the company you work for isn't being run properly - especially when its in a bad way.

Coincidentally, I've just been thinking about going into business too! I'm not with a design company at the moment and I need some cash before and while I'm doing my new course so I was thinking of doing small scale sites, CD-ROMs etc freelance, or maybe even setting up a small company to do it.
Thank you Monktus, someone else sees my reasoning. I could care less if the company was in decent standing. The CEO could have a G5 and a 17in Powerbook, if or if he can not even set up mail. Which he can't.

But, when the company is closing in on 100million in debt, filing Chapter 11, and fails to give anyone who doesn't wear a tie a raise in 2 yrs.

I know everyone gripes about their job, and thats a given, Its the American way. However, when you become a stockholder, where they roped you in at the IPO saying we are going to make money all around.Then too watch them make some bad decisions and the value drops 90% in the first quarter. Right now the stock is not even worth a dime a piece.
I'd say be glad he choose a G5 and not a Toshiba and had everyone else follow his lead. And maybe the guy actually can help your company. And at worst, what did the old (ineffective) boss have? Try and see if you can get that at a discount. And if your company is $100 mil in the red, is a G5 going to hurt that much? At least it's still a company that is paying you and that guy to buy a G5.
Just take a deep breath, check out some Dilbert cartoons and get your own biz in order asap. Then you can buy a G5 of your and have some underling griping about it. :D