Dungeon Siege WS 1280x854

Jackass said:
has anyone figured out how to get dungeon siege to work in widescreen?

The engine doesn't support anything about 1024x768. I've tried everything I can think of to get it working but have not been lucky. Manually editing the config file does weird things and ends up with an inaccurate cursor (you don't target what you mouse over).
Jackass said:
oh well guess ill look at some black borders around the game =/

i'm running Dungeon Siege on a Dual G5 with an apple cinema 20" wide screen display and 1 gig of memory and as much as i like the game it runs very choppy, has anyone got any suggestions on how to improve performance?
Try turning off sound! ;)
No sorry, am just (still) making fun of the trick for UT2004 to improve the performance. You had to turn off the sound..
Sorry, no other ideas but anyway, welcome to the forum :)
Oh my goodness. A dual G5 and still choppy when running Dungeon siege? What resolution are you running at? And what video card?

And Zammy-Sam, that won't work. Its already a Dual G5, so the 2nd CPU is handling the sound. Turning off the sound will not result in a speed increase :)
I was trying to run in 1024*740 (off the top of my head) i think. The highest one there anyway, and my graphic card is an ati 9600