Duplicate prefpanes...


All of the sudden another 'Internet' pref pane appeared in System Preferences under "other" category. It is the same as the already existing one. I've searched the sys partition, and there is only one Internet prefpane on disk. How do I get rid of it and why did it happen??

Riba, I have the same problem.

Not only that my "accounts" system preferences pane disappeared.
Well, sorry. don't have a duplicate 'Accounts' to trade. If you lose 'Internet', let me know, I've got one extra. ;)
I had an extra one for a while, until I installed a third party one, then it just disappeared from the 'Other' section, replaced by the third party one.
Originally posted by Riba
Well, sorry. don't have a duplicate 'Accounts' to trade. If you lose 'Internet', let me know, I've got one extra. ;)

Hey, I don't want your "Interent" that would give me three of them...what could I possibly do with three!:D
Any time you have missing or duplicated preference panes, just delete the file ~/Library/Caches/com.apple preferencepanes.cache. That will solve the problem.