DVD's burnt on MacBook Pro won't play on DVD players


I have had my Mac Book Pro 15" for 2 months. I'm on OSX Leopard. I have not burnt a successful DVD that plays without jumping on my DVD player or other computer DVD players. Starts playing ok, but everytime between 5 and 10 minutes, it's stops and goes back to the beginning. When playing burnt DVD's on the Mac Book Pro (where they were created), they sometimes don't play back without "skipping over damaged ares" .
We are using Toast 9. The files we have tried burning include HD and SD TV programmes recorded from EyeTV, and Quicktime movies I have created from Final Cut Pro 6. We are using LG-R 16x printable DVD's, we have never had a problem with these DVD's when burning from our PC.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Firstly, I read on another forum that Win and Mac burn dvds in a slightly different way, (ISO-something) which creates problems with playback on other-platform machines.

However, from what you post, it might be that your MBP has a faulty burner, which would be unusual but not impossible in such a recent machine; or some dust or other material is on the laser lens. Try a commercial cleaner disk, or blow compressed air from an aerosol can-pipe into the optical drive.

You say "I have not burnt a successful DVD that plays without jumping on my DVD player". I take it you mean your MBP DVD player, rather than a home theatre type of dvd player. Try using VLC Player instead of Apple's DVDPlayer.app.

Finally, do try some alternative brands of blank DVDs. Imation has a good reputation, also Fuji. I use Ricoh, SKC and TDK disks without problems.
Thanks for your advice. Just after I posted, we finally had some success when we burnt the QT as an image to the desktop, named the DVD disk (in capitals) and then burnt the QT to disk and it worked for the first time. The burnt DVD played perfectly on both the MBP and the home theatre DVD player as well. Yay. We haven't tried burning any other Video files files with this method, but will do when we get a chance. I also am seeing my Apple Reseller this week, so I'll let them know what's been happening.
