DVD's won't mount


Hi all...I could really use some help in troubleshooting this latest problem with my mac G4 running os10.3.9. Until yesterday, I had a working DVD-ROM drive and burner. But now when I put a DVD in, it won't even mount on the desktop. CDs seem to mount and play in the same drive with no problem.

I have checked all of the extensions, and nothing seems to be missing or off.

Has anyone had this problem before? I don't know whether to try reinstalling the driver or if it is a hardware problem. Any light that can be shed will be very helpful.

Thanks so much!
well, it could be that the dvd part of the drive is bad. best way to find out is to try a different drive in it, and if it sees dvds, then your drive most likely is bad
I am having the same problem with my DVD not mounting but playing CDs. I don't think it is the drive because I have the same specs you have and the same problem. I tells me that there is a driver or firmware issue with the Panther OS and the superdrive