Earth Final COnflict


Simply Daemonic

ok well you have all heard me ranting and raving about this show and how much I like it. I was under the impression that today's show would be the last. Howlan was killed and Yulan took the Atavii in stasis on the mothership and they are heading back to their home planet. Nothing was said though about the hybrids that were on earth, and in a teaser commercial for next week, we see boone back (well boone was said to be dead by the taelon, but perhaps he was keeping it secret to keep it from clouding Palmer's judgement) but can someone tell me how the heck zo'or survived ?

First of all zo'or was "incinerated" once he touched the atavan life force goo at the end of season 4, but somehow she shows up in season 5 as an atavus. Then she gets gunned down by palmer in that dog-fight they had and her ID shuttle blew up, how did she survice to go up against boone in the next episode ?

finally am I the only one who watched this show ? :p
No, you're not the only one who watches that show. I do catch it once in a while when I'm flippng through the channels late at night.
I loved it but the story has gotten very convoluted and I haven't been keeping up with it.

BTW, zo'or, and all Taelons, are male, not female. They are sterile (can't reproduce) BUT they are also all homosexual--asexual would be the more appropriate term, in this case, actually. (There essentially is no such thing as gender, but if there was, they would all be male.) All of them. Da'an mentions this to Zo'or in an early episode (really!)... the one where Zo'or is trying to rape women with his electric energy spiritwave form whatever-the-hell-it-is... did u see the series that far back? That was when it was really good... I used to love the intro music; have they changed it?
I think the intro music has changed very little.
I have been watching it from day one :p
I knew that taelons were asexual, but they *could* reproduce. Zo'or was Da'an's offspring, but because of their physiology reproducing was no longer possible. When Zo'or comes back, it is a she. (and oddly enough the actor that plays Zo'or is a she :p)
The show was (and probably still is) really nice, it got convoluted and a little complex but hey I liked it ;). I wonder what they are going to do now.
