Eating An Apple


The Blindman
I was taking the train from Leuven to Brussels and I saw the blindman with his large white batton. I entered in the train and people helped him to receive the place next to me. I red my free newspaper and after it I was looking in my "Interactive Multimedia book. He took then an apple out of his sac and I can hear him eating it. When he was finished I helped him with the corn. Then he opened a braïllebook and started reading it with his fingers.
A psych nurse is making the rounds at a mental hospital. He enters one of the rooms to find one patient hanging by his feet from the ceiling, and another sawing through a table.
"Hey, whats that guy doing up there?" He asks the guy with the saw.
"Oh, he thinks he's a light bulb."
"Well, I think I better get him down." Said the nurse.
"What, and work in the dark?"

"Well one day I was walking with a deaf man down a hall.
We both heard, in the apartment, the 2 dead children fighting.
The mute one was talking very loud and they started to fight.
When it was all done, we went home.
And if you don't believe this lie, ask the blind man down the hall.
He saw it too."
A story I heard once that this talk reminded me of...
Originally posted by Dak RIT
"I can see, I can see!" said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

LOL why on earth did that take me so long to get? Wow I can't believe I'm really that idiotic :)
So this train is flying down the river, right? When all of a sudden one of its wings turns purple and falls off. So the question is, how many pancakes can you fit in a dog house?

None, silly peaches are this color.

The problem with your logic is that you fail to see the connection between pancakes and a river. A doghouse by the river can, by its very nature, accommodate many more pancakes than one in an interstellar battleground. However, the question of whose wings fell off leads one to believe that perhaps the doghouse is currently occupied with a dog, in which case no pancakes would fit. Because of this, it is possible to assume that a) the train never existed, b) the pancakes are purple and you have severe color-blindness in your imagination, or c) that the dog is really flying down the river, dragging a box of pancakes behind it, and because this story has been told so many times, no one remembers what really happened.

I hope that cleared up some of the mystery surrounding this beautiful story. :)