Email Notification of Thread replies not working for anyone else?


It's not working for me, and of course I have it set on in preferences. I've always had.:confused: Just thought I'd let you know Scott..
You either have to

a) hit the reply button and then use the main reply page


b) click on the 'subscribe to this thread' link

If you just type in the quick reply box at the bottom of a thread you will not get email notifications. :( I tried to get them to fix that but no one seems to care.
You'd think that having the checkbox checked in the CP would be enough, but apparently Scott isn't that sensible. I would very much like to see the QR box enable subscriptions, as I hardly ever use the reply page anymore, and I miss a lot of responses without notifications.

Maybe there should be checkboxes next to every thread in a forum, and we can check any of them we like and push a button to mass subscribe to them.