Empty Address Book


Within the last couple of days, my address book has completely emptied itself. I tried looking in Library/ApplicationSupport/AddressBook and found 4 articles and a folder. Address Book Data and Address Book Data.previous are both the same size so it appears that the data is lost.

Can you tell me if there is any way I can recover this information and also a clue as to what caused this to happen. I noticed that the address book is shown as last having been modified at 23.10 yesterday, a time at which I wasn't even on the computer and it was left on 'Sleep'.

Apple Help forums have a list of people to whom the same has happened but as yet no solution to the problem.
Same problem here, while doing a reboot for installing an app..

I'm afraid there is no real solution, at least NOT in the Addressbook.data files...
The file is only 252 KB, so it could never contain my whole list of contacts..
A backup from a couple of months ago is already a LOT bigger (2+MB)
So, do I have to dig deeper or just give up and use the backup ?