Enter you name ____. Hello ____!


This sounds so simple - yet I'm totally lost and clueless!

I want to be able to have someone enter text in a form, click a button and the page will display a couple of lines with the text they entered...

Maybe even build URL Links out of them...

Anyone know how to do this, or where to find info on it? Or what the heck it's called? :)

I'm using PHP and have CGI access if that helps...
Oh and they must be temporary - so they should not write to disk, build a file or use a database! Just do it "live" on the same page... so when that user leaves all is erased.

Thanks for any help...
What did you do? I'd suggest using Javascript, but I'd like to hear how you figured it out.
I used PHP, with the help of a book (that has errors in it! ARGH!!!) to start it out, then found how to fix problems I was having with the book's code.

It's a basic form with get for it's method (I actually like that so people can bookmark it and always have their info).

It then gets sent to another page, where the info they entered is in
<?php print("{$HTTP_GET_VARS["Name"]}");?>

I was having problems getting everything to work for some reason tho, it's like my web pages don't like HTML Headers if it's going to process PHP code. :confused:

I am using this to show hosting customers what their settings need to be, like their POP3/SMTP, Webmail, Control Panel (if used), etc.

Worked out great. :)
Never mind about the HTML Headers - I just added them back in and and it works fine. Musta been some other problem I was having, and removed them in desperation. heh :)
Another route is to use a cookie. Yes, this places a file on the person's computer, but you can set it to expire as soon as the person leaves your site or gets offline. But as long as you have a solution that works for you, that's what matters.