Entourage-like Mail application


I'm using Entourage for my main mail app at the moment, and have loads and loads of list messages archived that I'd like to keep. My question is is there a mail app that I can switch to that will import all my old messages, and also has the same filters/mailing list functionality as Entourage, and also the same search features?

Basically, I want everything ever possible out of a mail app (not Mail.app, which is one of the few Apple products I hate), without the Microsoft name to it.
Dear Bookem,

I am a little confused in what you are asking? I want to help, so I will try the best I that I can in answering your question.

I gather from your email that you want to migrate from Entourage X to another email package? Why? Entourage X is the best email package available for MacOS X in my opinion, I have tried them all. You name it, I've tried it, Apple Mail App, Eudora, Netscape X, PowerMail 3...

The problem that you are going to find is, I don't think that there is a email package in the world that can import messages, contacts details and filters from Entourage X. Once it's in, it's in.

If you want to archive mail in Entourage, that is simple. Just click and drag you 'Inbox' to the desktop. Simple. Entourage will create an '.mbox' which is all your mail. You then simply create a folder and but all your mbox files in that folder. Sorry to say, all the message links are then destroyed. :(

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Hi - thanks for the reply.

What I want to do is replace Entourage with something else, but keep all my old messages. I can manage with having to re-create all my contacts & rules etc.

I kind of thought that Entourage was the best, but just wanted it confirmed.

I need the kind of rules, categories & search facilities of Entourage, but just without the Microsoft brand name. Maybe I'm sad, but it's how I feel.