environment varibles - X11 question


Why do I get two different sets of variables when I use 'set ' and 'setenv '?

Where are these preferences read from or stored? Some are not in ~/.tcshrc or /etc

Another topic: how can I set the xterm colors? I cannot stand the black-on-white terminal wilndw, it looks like a word document. Gimme green-on-black! I found in the tcsh man the color code #'s but cannot decipher how to implement them.
you could read the man page for xterm:
man xterm

But... its rather long and boring :p

So, here's the basics:

xterm -bg black -fg green

bg = background, fg = fore ground.

I prefer: xterm -bg black -fg wheat
wheat is a kinda golden color.

You can also specify a scroll bar:
xterm -sb or xterm +sb

You can change the color of selected text, the default font, window orientation, window title, shell/program, scroll back buffer, and much more. read the manual if you wanna know this stuff.