Episode 1: A new threat

Interesting, though you need to work less on Flash, more on your spelling and capitalization, young padawan. :)
Adroo: Um. Wow. Heh. wow. There's not much I can say. I'm speechless.

nb: That is the definition of cool right there. That really was awesome. I like how your finger appears in one frame ;). Jk man.
hahaha thanks

star wars rules all! (except maybe asia, i dunno, star wars doesnt rule asia. maybe some other time.)
thanks:), not really i just used stop action for each frame, then i took the audio from the ESB using a dv to analog converter, it took about an hour to make,
what DV to Analog converter do you use!?
I've been looking for a good one that WORKS.
You guys have some great ideas, but as is often the case there's room for improvement (I'm not trying to be hard on you guys, just straight up).

Hey who knows, Androo, maybe you'll be the next Joe Cartoon!
Originally posted by Androo
what DV to Analog converter do you use!?
I've been looking for a good one that WORKS.

I used a Sony Digital Media converter, it works pretty well, ive used it in other projects to take in video off the television
:( i have a crappy one - it will barely show anything on my tv from the comp, and i cant get anything to show on my comp. Perhaps i am doing something wrong!
this one just plugs into the mac through firewire and plugs into the tv or vcr with the left and right audio plus the video channel's. One cool thing ive used it for was to take a comedy movie and edit out all the parts that suck then burn a dvd of only the funny parts from say Billy Madison or whatever.
Inspiration. Simply, inspiration.

(Actually I'm trying to get to 2000 posts within the next 5 minutes.)
hahaha ya! i wanna make a video game eventually! pacman or something, but it'll be my own version, instead of pac it could be an imac (old ones) eating apples. :)
I am going to keep going on with all this, i think i am done part 3, i'll put it on the web in an hour or so ok?
+ i am working on episode 2, cooler fighting and stuff.

lol trip, ur in 1995!
Did you want to make an actual game? Or did you want to make a parody? If you want to make levels for old games, there are plenty of level editors. I used to make Doom 2 levels, I used a great editor called Hellmaker. I still have it by the way, and all the levels I made. It's a lot of fun to use Flash and make interesting dialogue between Mario, Link, and Mega Man all on one screen! ;)
Still not at 2000 posts and it's been over 5 hours. :D

Droo, if you make a movie you better share it with us!