Error 36 (I couldn't find someone with this same error, only some close ones)



I'm having a problem that is starting to drive me nuts. I saw a lot of people with almost similar problems, but they all had some important difference to mine.


I've had an iMac for some months, still a newbie on mac.
This week I bought a Seagate Free Agent Pro 1 TB external HD.
I already had a Lacie 500GB that I've been using for 2 years, it is a little noisy and since I migrated to Mac I was using it as FAT-32.

I connected the Seagate and chose the Mac install option on it. It installed a software for backup (which I didn't use) and formatted the HD as MAC OS Extended (Journalled). I started copying my files from the Lacie, but had an error in 1 of them (error -43). Since it was an old backup folder from my PC (with windows preferences and etc), I thought the problem was this so I left the folder out of my backup. I couldn't delete it or even access it on the Seagate, but since I was just starting the backup, I erased the entire content with disk utility and restarted the process.

The rest went ok, I formatted the Lacie as Extended (Journalled) as well and set it to work with time machine.

I created a folder on the Seagate to organize some files to put on the pendrive. That's where my problems really started. The folder had a few files that were on my Internal HD and some files that were on Seagate itself. After that, checking its content, when I selected some of the folders, it blinked and gave me an error 36 message (except for the error message, that was the same thing that happened on the 1st backup attempt) and I couldn't access or delete it. To delete the folder I had to restart the external HD and delete the parent folder.

Trying to find a pattern in the error, I noticed that it happened with files that were copied from the Seagate itself. And since it happened when I first acessed it, I assumed it was a copy error.
But it just happened again, on a folder copied from my internal HD and that I had accessed earlier today.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.4.

I'm thinking about returning the HD, but I need to be sure it is an hardware problem.

Thanks for any help provided.
An error -36 is an Input/Output error which I think means there are problems accessing the hard drive. It may not necessarily be the drive itself, but could be a problem with the cable (USB, Firewire, SATA, whatever) or the port. Try a different cable/port before returning the drive. I assume you have already ran DiskUtility to repair disk and permissions on the HD?

When I run the disk utility, the missing files appear on a folder called lost+found. And there was one time in which the files reappeared by itself.

I also forgot to mention that I was using firewire. I tryed switching to USB yesterday but the drive wasn´t even recognized.

I´m at work know. Disk utility erasing it since yesterday. I´ll try the usb again today when I get home.

Thanks for the help. Any other comment or suggestion is wellcome too.