Error -41 when connecting OS X to Windows XP


I've seen similar threads like this but most weren't resolved so I figured I'd try again as mine is a bit different. I have a desktop running Windows XP Media Center and I have several USB external drives (a 320GB network drive, a 100GB drive, a 60GB drive and a 20GB drive) plugged into it. I have a G4 Ibook running 10.4.11 which I connect to the PC (and the external drives) wirelessly and, until now, with no problems whatsoever. I just bought a 160GB drive that I want to dedicate to music files. The problem is when I try to connect to it via the wireless network from the Mac I get "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred (Error -41)". This only happens when trying to connect this new drive - all of the other drives connect simply and easily, as usual. To make matters a little stranger, I can plug this new drive into one of the USB ports on the network drive and the Mac can access it just fine but I would rather plug it straight in to the PC. I've emailed the manufacturer (Buffalo Technologies) and haven't gotten a solution from them yet so I'm trying this forum.
Thanks in advance for help!
Thanks, Doug, but I am not set up in a domain - just the regular old workgroup. I did hear back from Buffalo Technologies and they said they do not support using their drive over a wireless network. Pretty lame if you ask me. I use all of my external drives wirelessly at some time or another and I imagine most people do as well. I'm beginning to think this problem has something to do with the size of the drive - 160GB is considerably larger than my next largest (100GB) drive. No logical reason for this - just a feeling... Thanks again for the suggestion,