Error Joining Wireless Network

Tom Eiseman


I've had a new Belkin MIMO wireless router for several months now, and my iMac (G5) airport had no trouble linking up with it ... at first. But now, I can't join with the router ... the airport sees it, but gives me the infamous "There was an error joining the wireless network" message.

I had it going fine for a while, so I'm wondering why it stopped working ... any clues?

Tom Eiseman
From 'another' Tom

Same here, all of the sudden my iMac duo can't connect to the local network here at home. Either via wireless or via Ethernet card.

Plus it is horribly slow booting up, loading programs, acting like a *gasp* virus on the machine.

Stupid question, does spyware affect Mac OSX Tiger like PC?

I keep trying to reset the network connections but can not connect. The wife downloaded some mp3's, but not sure if those had a Mac virus.

Any ideas?