Error: "The AppleShare server you are trying to connect to appears not ..."


Hi all! ...

I have a problem with the Alias Manager. I'm programming using
CarbonLib 1.6b1 and I want to mount a volume using an 'alis' resource.
This is my code:

Boolean wasChanged;
FSSpec target;

Handle aliasHnd = Get1Resource (128, 'alis');
HLock (aliasHnd);
ResolveAlias (nil, (AliasHandle) aliasHnd, &target, &wasChanged);
HUnlock (aliasHnd);
ReleaseResource (aliasHnd);

This works FINE running under Mac OS 10.1.4, but when my app run under
the Classic environment (I have Mac OS 9.2.2), I get this alert:

"The AppleShare server you are trying to connect to appears not to
support the IP protocol required by Mac OS X. Check to see if a
'Server IP Address' is available".

My 'alis' resource has a zone name, server name and volume name. But,
If my server name is a IP direction, the code works fine ! ...


Thanks in advance ...