Ethernet Modem problems



My Mum and Dad have been trying for over a week now to connect their Mac Mini to Tiscali Broadband. They installed Tiscali using the supplied CD and were then told by a Mac help line (having got absolutely nowhere with Tiscali) that the Speedtouch USB modem that Tiscali supplied was not compatable with their Mac.

They then bought (fromTiscali btw which I think is a bit of a con really) a Thompson Speedtouch 536 Ethernet Modem and connected that to their Mac. Still no joy.

We have made countless phone calls to the Mac helpline that Tiscali gave the Apple line...and to Tiscali themselves and no one seems able to help.

The modem is apparently connected properly...we have green lights next to the built in ethernet modem and the apple helpline told us that this meant things were connected. It just seems that we can't configue the modem.

Really...we haven't a clue what is going on. My Mum and Dad are not computer literate and I have a pc and am not used to Macs at all. It's so frustrating as I think (hope) it's probably something quite simple?

The modem itself has 5 lights...the power, ethernet and USB light come on and stay on...the DSL light just keeps flashing...and obviously we have yet to see the internet light light up!

Before this they had broadband with Virgin using just a normal supplied usb modem.

I would be so grateful for any advice...

Internet is internet. There is no PC or Mac. It works or it doesn't. Both systems use the same protocol, and although I have heard from some yahoos that one "system" does not support Macs, I guarantee you that's bull. If your parents are using DSL, you might have an issue, cable, they're fine. simply reset the modem. I'm an Apple Certified Tech, and let me know in this thread if you're still having trouble.
Thanks for your response.

My parents are using DSL. We've moved the modem so that we can do away with the extension cable...and all the lights are now on and we think it's working. BUT having used the Tiscali installation disc we can't seem to find Tiscali on the Mac...there is no icon anywhere...and when we go to connect in our usual way the option just isn't there. Nobody seems able to help us! Do you have any idea what might be going on
You shouldn't need any Tiscali or other third-party software to use any kind of modem. The general procedure for PPPoE (point-to-point over ethernet, the protocol that establishes a DSL connection with a username and password through a modem) is this:

1. Connect the modem to the computer via ethernet cable.
2. Open System Preferences.
3. Open the Network screen.
4. Double-click on "Built-in Ethernet".
5. Click the PPPoE tab.
6. Click the "Connect using PPPoE" checkbox.
7. Enter your given username and password -- which you would have in this scenario from your ISP -- in the "Account name" and "Password" fields.
8. (Optional: click the "Save password" and "Show PPPoE status..." checkboxes.)

Now, if you selected the "Show PPPoE status..." box, you should see a drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen dedicated to connecting to, and disconnecting from, the internet via PPPoE. Alternatively, you can open the Internet Connect application and use that.

Either way, though, the standard PPPoE / aDSL scenario will never require any of the software that these ISPs ship you.
As a general proposition, DSL uses PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) to acquire an IP address. In all probability, the Windows CD simply runs a setup utitility which enters the correct account settings. As a general proposition, installation CDs are the Work of the Devil. Run them through your shredder, burn the pieces, and then mix the ashes in freshly poured concrete. MacOS X features built-in support for PPPoE. All you need are the correct settings for your account. You will find it in Network preferences pane under Show: Built-in Ethernet.
Thank you all for your help...we're not sure exactly what we've done...but we seem to have managed to connect to the internet now and we're not going to question it...just going with the flow.

Am appalled by the lack of support from Tiscali though. If it wasn't so much hassle we'd definately be changing back to Virgin or another ISP pretty quickly!