Ethernet or USB?


I'm hoping someone out there can help me navigate through this minefield as the deeper I get into this issue the less clear it seems to be. I've just ordered BT Broadband and I need to find a suitable modem to run with my set-up. I'm running OSX Jaguar on a new imac and I'm getting conflicting reports from people as to how I should go about connecting. BT tells me that the USB ADSL modem they recommend isn't OSX compatible, I'm also told that the best way to connect is via ethernet not USB. I'm desperately trying to find either a USB modem or an ethernet connection that fulfils my needs and doesn't require me to remortgage my home. So far most of the technical/after-sales teams that I've spoken to have been no help whatsoever.
Any ideas?
BT is right. The best way to do xDSL is via ethernet. Drivers for USB xDSL modems are still a bit scarce (I belive that the Alcatel has 'em, but not much else), and you'd be sharing the bandwidth of the USB chain with other devices, possibly impacting perfomance.

With ethernet, no such limitations exist; no drivers are needed, and the bandwith is unhindered by other devices. Plus, with a DSL router/firewall (like the Linksys), you have the option to share the internet connection with multiple devices. USB won't allow that as easily (yes, I know that MacosX will let you share the connection; I prefer a hardware solution).

That should work, but I would check with the ADSL company to make sure it's compatible.