Ethernet router & ADSL broadband


Can someone take me through the exact (v. basic) steps and prior settings to get broadband through my Linksys router? The linksys is wireless, with a sinlge ethernet port which is what I want to use to connect to my non-Airport mini running 10.3.9,
I have a connection to the Web through my ISP-supplied USB modem, but want to free up a port.
A 'for dummies' approach would be great as I keep reading contradictory stuff on the web which has got me nowhere fast.
My ISP is tiscali if that makes any difference.
Should I be using DHCP or PPoE? (plus a thousand other questions!)
Many thanks to anyone who can help,

Why didn't I know about this site before...
Without meaning to sound rude, I suggest you read the manual for your router and the information from Tiscali.
If you don't have the originals then they will be readily available from the Linksys and Tiscali websites. The instructions for the router and the information from Tiscali will be enough to (fairly,) easily setup your internet access.
The reason I say this is if you do not know the difference between DHCP and PPPoE, then you clearly haven't read up.
I am happy to help, but you should at least have a go at the set up, before asking somebody else to do the work for you.
In addition to the above, you need to tell us the models of router and DSL modem.
Does that DSL modem only have USB output - no ethernet? Be advised we may be telling you to get another modem and maybe router. USB modems screw things up - it can be done, but you won't be satisfied with the result.
Yeah im having the same problem. Tiscali are very unhelpful because they do not offer technical support for Mac, and the information on the website about router settings did not help me.

I currently can not connect my Intel Mac Mini to the internet with my Safecom 1 port router because i am missing information in the System preferences > Network panel. I have had this working fine for ages but I stupidly changed the settings because it recently stopped working.

My router address is but when entering this into a browser the page now fails to load. I dont know what the problem is here, but if anyone knows what or how I can find out what to put in these boxes that would be very very helpful.

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Router: ( i would assume...)
DNS Servers: (Tiscali say "Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:")

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
For what it's worth I'd try resetting your router back to factory defaults first. But ONLY IF YOU KNOW YOUR ISP USERNAME AND PASSWORD!

First off, I take it you are accessing your router through a wired connection to it via your browser?

Resetting to factory defaults should reset it's IP to (the router) - then I would suggest you manually manage your mac's IP address (Using DHCP) and call it with a subnet of - obviously the router address is
I don't have experience with Tiscali, but I would suggest you leave the DNS servers blank (or call Tiscali and lie about having a mac and get them to tell you what they are manually).
If you still can't connect, try changing your MNU value (in the Advanced options of your router) - I can't help you with that one, apart from decreasing it! I called my ISP and they suggested a value and voila!