

Hallo !

Ich würde Euch gerne auf ein interessantes Projekt aufmerksam machen ; das Verfolgen von Eurobanknoten auf:

Auf dieser Internetseite haben ungefähr 55.000 Europäer seit der Einführung des Euros mehr als 5,7 Millionen Scheine registriert.
An der Serienummer kann man erkennen aus welchem Land der Schein ursprünglich kommt (L steht z.B. für Finland), und das Projekt kann uns so aufzeigen, wie sich die Banknoten in den verschiedenen Ländern durchmischen.

Das schönste ist natürlich, wenn man einen Schein eingibt der schon registriert ist, denn dann erfährt man genau wann und wo der Schein schon gewesen ist. Das nennen wir einen "Hit". Natürlich können die Scheine, die man selber eingibt, auch von anderen Nutzern wiedergefunden werden, vielleicht sogar ganz weit entfernt im Ausland...

Kurzum, ein wunderschönes Hobby! !

Durchmischung der Scheine ;



I am German and I understand this, however, this is an international forum. So it would be better to translate it.
Here is a English texst:


I would like to inform you about Eurobilltracker:

On this webpage, more than 55,000 Europeans registered since the introduction of the Euros and more than 5.7 million Eurobills have been registered sins 2002.
At the bills you find serial numbers, you can recognize the bills were the came from. (L stands for Finland and than you have more), Than Eurobilltracker can show you and us were the bill came from, and if it been entered before. If it been entered before you have a so called "hit" Than you can see were the bill has been entered before you get the bill.

If a bill aready was entered by someone else you have a so called "hit" You can see than all the details were the bill was entered before. You can also see how much kilometers the bill has traveled and much more!!!!

I have already registered more than 900 bills!

Here you can see were the users live:


I have already 3 hits, and it is easy to get a hit!

In short, a beautiful hobby! !

See You at Eurobilltracker!


Looks interesting. Perhaps it'll help economists understand more about the flow of money (wild guess, economics isn't my field)?
11,6% of the euro bills having hits in finland? either they have smaller bills there (5 rather than 500 e), or they cicrucalate faster, or they have simply more money .. or more people connected to internet than eg spain with 8 x finland's population and 50 % of the money (hits) they have? and ireland has 80 % of finland's population and 10 % of money.. :D
Giaguara said:
11,6% of the euro bills having hits in finland? either they have smaller bills there (5 rather than 500 e), or they cicrucalate faster, or they have simply more money .. or more people connected to internet than eg spain with 8 x finland's population and 50 % of the money (hits) they have? and ireland has 80 % of finland's population and 10 % of money.. :D

More users in Finland than other countries