Every Word document my friend opens contains Macros! ???


A friend of mine has a new iMac with Word X (or 2004, not sure), and for some reason, with every Word document he opens, even the ones that he creates that only contain text, it tells him that the document contains Macros and gives him the option to disable macros, enable macros, etc.

He went into Word>Preferences>Security and unchecked "warn before opening a file that contains macros", and of course it no longer gives him that message.

However, when he emails any of the documents, they bounce back saying there is a virus in it.

Just had him go into TOOL>MACRO>MACROS and there are NO macros listed.


Nothing in either box.

Bad? Good?

I went into mine, and there are a bunch listed.

Something has to be wrong because all the documents that he emails bounce back with a virus.

Something has to be wrong because all the documents that he emails bounce back with a virus.
The sole purpose of antivirus software on the Mac is to disinfect Office files. If your installation of Office is infected, then you are going to have to clean it up.
Sounds like your friend forgot to change the setting when recording a Macro. By default Word wants to record the macro into the Normal.dot file that is used as the Main template for all Word documents on the machine.

*Insert M$ Bashing Rant/Cursing Here*

Your friend will need to open Normal from /Applications/Microsoft Office X/Templates/ and delete the macro(s) and then save the Template file. And next time be sure to change the 'Store Macro In' drop down from 'All Documents (Normal)' to the name of the current file.
It looks like ClamXav can only quarantine files, not disinfect them? How can he disinfect them? They are important files.
Maybe if you open the files with something other than Office (Pages, OpenOffice), save as native file (Pages, OpenOffice) and then re-export as .doc-files...
What worked was opening each infected file (disabling macros upon opening), copying the entire doc, creating a new doc, pasting it in the new doc and saving it, and then deleting the infected doc. Also had to delete Word's Normal template, open Word, create a new doc, close Word, and then lock the new clean Normal template so it could not be infected again.

Does anyone use ClamXav to scan their email for viruses? That's what we did with his in case he gets another virus that could hurt his PC friends. Anyone have any positive or negative experience doing that?