Evil, Die! My Dad Got A Pc!

:mad: nooooooooo, my dad lives in the contry and he now has a pc!!! arg with dial up !!! he cant get cable noooo this is horrible. it has windowsMe to !! arg dieeeee im going to dieeeeeee, and sense its his wifes computer i cant aquafy it like blingbling! this ****s! maybe ill start to mass produce my "cash crop" and buy a tibook... thats alot of crop though...
oooo sweat agony
i think i will whipe the hard drive and then it will be all good..... compleatly reinstall everything, (win2kpro) ect. but i dont know what im going to do with out broadband, how will pore stan download games from kazaa?!
The only problem with deliberately crashing a PC is that the user tends not to notice that anything is awry. You could give it a virus or two, and it could go slow as $!@!#, but most people won't realise that using a computer isn't meant to be that way...
Yeah, most people are used to Windows running at "virus" speeds, so it's not as if adding a real virus is going to make any difference :)
During my 3-month-limbo of moving from place to place, I've been back at home with my folks. I have also sold my iBook (about 2 months ago) and so I've been using my father's Gateway with Windows XP.

It's actually not too bad, if you don't count the constant nagging from the anti-virus software, the constant Internet Explorer crashes and the occassional (yet infuriating) blue screen of death.

Can't wait until I get an iMac (after MWNY) and I'm back on OS X. Probably by then, we'll all be on 10.2. :)
Well, yeah, Windows XP is certainly a lot better than.... WINDOWS ME.... ugh.

At least XP is sort of stable, sort of OK-looking, and sort of works. WinME is considered by pretty much any PC user to be pretty much the worst OS ever made on any platform... :)
No, I have a friend with the impression that ME is the stable fast good-looking one whereas Windows XP blows...of course, he's only into that thought cause ME is all he has, he also inststs his 500Mhz P3 15Gb 128Mb kicks all my computers...

List below
LOL, how wierd, voice-, I have a friend with the same exact computer setup as your Windows lemming there... and he also thinks a) WinME is great (and I can't convince him otherwise) and b) that his computer is "about as good" as mine-- see, only a 300-MHz difference, right? So it can't be THAT much better, right? :) :)

(specs below, of course)