Excess MP3s


I know that I have MP3s on my HD that i do not use in my library, and I'm running low on hd space. I was wondering if there's any way to delete the songs I'm not using? I tried using my iPod by transferring the songs from my ipod to my hd but it was rediculously small : 300mb compared to 7gigs, so i didnt delete the orginal mp3 folder. any ideas? thanks in adcance
copy all your music to your ipod and use only that?
and then simply delete all mp3s that you don't need in your hard disk.
Just be sure you don't update your iPod with iTunes after doing that, or you'll lose your mp3s. Right Gia? ;)
From ipodlounge.com

Q: I do not have much free disk space on my Mac. Is it possible for me to have more MP3s on my iPod than I have in iTunes on my Mac? If so, how do I do this?

A: Yes, this is possible. You will first want to turn off auto-sync in iPod Preferences in iTunes (with your iPod attached to your Mac, select it in the source list, and then click the iPod icon button on the lower right).

Then, in iTunes, manually copy over MP3s from your iTunes library to your iPod. Once the MP3s are copied over, delete them from your iTunes library & delete them off of your Mac. By turning auto-sync off, the next time you connect your iPod to your Mac, it will not try to make your iPod look exactly like your iTunes MP3 library. So, iTunes won't delete the tracks off of your iPod that are no longer on your Mac & no longer in your iTunes library.

Then import (or rip and encode) the next batch of MP3s you want to put on your iPod, manually copy these MP3s to your iPod in iTunes, then delete them out of your library and off your Mac. Repeat until you have all the MP3s you want on your iPod (or until your iPod is full!).
wow! thanks randman. you really didnt have to do all that, but it is much appreciated. i have 8gigs more free now :D
No worries, I had actually done the same thing recently and cleared about 6 gig from the HD. At the time I had checked out what option(s) there were for the process and I thought that that was the clearest explanation. Cheers.