Executable file paths in the Bash shell


Hi, I have recently installed Mac OS 10.3, and am getting to grips with the Bash shell. I compiled the Nano text editor and all went well until I tried to execute it in Bash. I received the following error message

wills-Computer:~ will$ nano
-bash: nano: command not found

Now, it would execute if I included the full file path i.e.


So, I figured that I needed to tell Bash where to look. After some searching on this site and around the web, I created a .bashrc file in my home directory. In this file I included the following

export PATH

According to what I have read this should have solved the problem. However I continue to get the error message described above.

Can anyone offer any advice on how I can sort this out?


10.3's bash doesn't use the .bashrc file ...which is a pain. You can edit the /etc/bashrc file, but you'll need to use sudo or be root to do so.

That isn't entirely true. Yes as installed bash doesn't seem to look for a user's .bashrc file, but you can change that by adding one line to /etc/profile.

Open /etc/profile via your favorite editor (mine is vim) and add the following line:

. ~/.bashrc

note there is a space between the first period and the ~ symbol.

You will probably have to do this using sudo.

sudo vim /etc/profile (or whatever editor you use)

This will allow you to set up a .bashrc file for each individual that has an account on your computer.

Here are a few of the lines I have in my .bashrc

set autolist
set filec
. /sw/bin/init.sh

with the . /sw/bin/init.sh line, I can use fink commands in both the terminal and in x11.

try it, it should work for you.
Well, yes...I meant as installed. Though truthfully, I didn't know it did access the .profile file. :p
these are all good solutions, but if you don't want to edit global files (those in /etc) you can all all that path and source stuff to ~/.bash_profile.

or even easier for you if you already have ~/.bashrc would be to create ~/.bash_profile and put source ~/.bashrc in it.

bash for os x automagically reads your .bash_profile when it starts up.

Yep that did the trick as well, I never knew that would work. I followed the instructions off of macosxhints.com which said to edit the /etc/profile file. I would much rather keep any modifications in my home directory than in /etc.

Sorry for delay in replying folks - have been experiencing some computer problems lately. Thanks for the suggestions. Will try them out soon.
