Explorer fears midnight


Where mah "any" keys at?
Recently, I have encountered a snag when dealing with Internet Explorer (IE 5.1/OS 9.2.2). IE is so afraid of the date changing that when it happens, it completely freezes up and can't go on. It's so bad that IE brings everything down with it most of the time. According to my dad, Netscape 4.7 allows IE to calmly leave without taking anything else with it, but I haven't experienced this at all. Does anybody know how I can get rid of IE's fear of the date changing?

Usually, this happens right at midnight (hence the title). Last night, I changed the system time (well my dad did) to a few hours earlier, and when I got on the clock said sometime after 8 p.m. I synchronized the time with Apple's server, and IE got afraid again, leaving the time at 12:17.

THIS IS ANNOYING AND MUST STOP! Does anybody know what I can do? Maybe delete the preferences?

On a side note: whenever this happens, I have this site open, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.
Gee, you think maybe it is afraid it will turn into a pumpkin? Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

I'm not sure what your dad is referring to, but he could be thinking about OS X.

I am thinking this could be a memory issue. First, check the Memory control panel. Make sure Disk Cache is set to at least 20,480 K or the default. Virtual Memory should be on and Ram disk off.

Next, check the memory allocation of IE. Before launching it, go to the main icon (not alias) click once, then go to the file menu>Get Info. There should be a pull down menu in that window. Select Memory. IE should have at least 28,000k allocated in the preferred box. You could try giving it 300k more if it is already up there.

Now give it a test run at midnight.
Cheryl: Everything is already set as you suggested. (Thanks for the instructions, though I already know how to do all of that.) IE currently has 45,000 K set as the preferred size. And there isn't a lick of OS X on this computer, so I doubt he was thinking of OS X (don't even know what that means!).

G: I use IE 5.1 because I use OS 9.2.2. If I could run OS X on this computer, I would certainly use Safari. I find IE superior to Netscape, the only real competition for the Classic OS's. Haven't we had this discussion before?

What I meant was that when my dad's using Netscape and I still have IE open, the computer will freeze up, he'll hit Cmd-Option-Escape, and the box will pop up asking to force quit IE, which is odd since Netscape's the current app. I haven't ever even been able to force quit it; I have to restart every time. I may have to start quitting IE before midnight if this problem doesn't resolve itself.
I do have more ideas. Run the Microsoft Internet Self Repair. Even though it says First Run, it might help.

The IE preferences folder is in the Internet Explorer Folder. If you have IE save your passwords to web sites, save those files, then try trashing the rest of the files in that folder.
There is another folder 'IE ISP settings' in the System folder, but that holds your favorites so be careful.
I'll try the Self Repair first, then report. Thanks for reminding me of this.
Okay, I've determined that it's not Macosx.com and it's not the Download Cache files (though I erased this since it was 134 MB) in the Preferences folder with the System Folder. I set the PM to AM before restarting IE, and then I let it spill past midnight. I set the hour correctly, and when I changed the date, the computer froze, but I was able to successfully force quit Explorer without having to restart.

I couldn't find any sort of Internet self-repair. I found Office First Run, but that won't do me any good because IE isn't a part of Office.

I am about to fiddle with the preference files within the IE folder, so I'll post again after I'm done there.
Well, the mere act of removing and replacing all the files in the Preference Panels folder 5 at a time seems to have solved the issue. I tried a number of ways of changing the date, and it didn't freeze at all. Thanks, Cheryl.
Okay, IE froze up on me again, about 2 1/2 hours ago. I'm not going to delete anything in the Preferences Panels folder because those files determine what options I have in my preferences, not what I've set with those options, and I don't want to screw up my preferences windows (and essentially revert back to 5.0).
What else are your running when this happens? Does it happen at a particular web site? Do you have the latest plugins?
Cheryl: Sometimes there are other programs open, sometimes it's just IE; it seems to be only between IE and the system. Usually I have this very site open because I'm saving new threads (it's a weird feature of IE's caching system that refreshing the New Threads search results will return new threads without getting rid of not-so-new threads, which I may not have read yet).

Hulk: It's 5.1.4 (4231); where can I get 5.1.7, MS's website?