

Hey all I am a new Mac user running OS X 10.2 Jaguar and was wondering is there a way to make Explorer fill my whole screen ?

Click on the green button on the left upper corner. If it still won't be whole screen, strech it manually :)
Thanks for the reply I did the green button thing and I hate to ask a dumb question but being new to Mac how do I strecth the screen ?

Bottom right of windows, you have this little triangular mark which you drag where you want the window to stretch.

Stretch screen: System Prefs > Monitors > Geometry.
Once you set the window the way you like it, quit Explorer and then open it and the screen should be the way you set it.
Thanks everyone for all your help. I have been a PC user for years and I still have my PC but my Mac seems great !!! This is my first Mac and I really dont see what all the negative talk about Mac is about ? I love this machine and its a old Power Mac G4 400mhz machine that I got off EBay and so far none of the BS that PC users always say has come true. Its super fast and very easy to work with, ok you dont have Word and all that stuff put most people I know with super fast over priced PC are not doing anything but checking email ? duh !!! Why doI need a Pentium 4 to check email ? I think this G4 is so cool running V.10.2 :)