Export a CD or DVD via NFS


Thanks to everybody for all these very valuable threads about exporting directories via NFS. Using the search function in this forum did it very well this time :)

Now I'm trying to export a CD or DVD via NFS. However, I find it impossible to create a permanent NFS export for this because it must be exported using the media name. For example, if I insert the SuSE Linux DVD it mounts below /Volumes as something like /Volumes/SU81xyz (don't remember the exact media name right now).

There does not seem to be something like /media/cdrom, say, a location which refers to the CD or DVD media with a constant name regardless how the particular media name is.

Is it like that? Or did I overlook something (obvious?) ?
Well my cdrom drive is actually deviced at "/dev/disk1s1s2"... I can mount and unmount the device.
You can check out your cdrom device by looking at fstab or running "autodiskmount -v" after having inserted a CD