Expose and Minority Report


Couldn't help but think how cool i felt when i reminded myself of Tom Cruise in Minority Report. I am referring to the part where he is sifting through the evidence on that cool ass screen. The part where he shoves everything to the side reminds me of how I use my mouse to trigger expose. To show my desktop, I just drag my mouse to the bottom left corner. All the energy and intensity to do so makes me feel like my computing experience is 100% mission critical.

Great job Apple for making me feel like a movie star!!!!!!!

Heh... I want an actual GUI like that. That would be so pimp!

I think holography is probably the ultimate form of output. You don't need anything more than a small holographic projector.
Yeah, it looked like a cool GUI, but man you'd have tired shoulders after about five mins, i mean what would it be called, Holo OS calisthenics edition?