Extensis Suitcase font issue with OSX 10.3.5?


Last Friday we updated out Workstations at our studio to OSX 10.3.5, after waiting the prerequisite time for any potential bugs in the update to become apparent.
Well, it seems one 'may' have reared it's ugly head only after the fact.
We use Extensis Suitcase 10.2.2, and upon loading up a job with Adobe Garamond Expert in use (and I suspect, is an issue with Suitcase and all Expert sets), only a few of the limited number of Expert set characters are showing up in the job. This is occurring System-wide, as I have tested this in Adobe InDesign, Freehand MX and MSWord.

Has anyone else had this experience using the same version of Suitcase with the OSX 10.3.5 update? Any feedback GREATLY appreciated, as the job in question is coming up on deadline.