External Antenna


Licensed Computer Geek
Does anybody know where one could buy an external antenna for an 802.11b ethernet card? I'd like something I could hook to my iBook when necessary for a little extra range with the Airport card. I haven't seen antennas for sale in any stores I know of, but someone must sell them.
Well i just made my own based loosley on the specs here and it works pretty good.
You can find most of the parts in a hardware store but you'll need a pigtail with a MC type connector got mine here
Kinda sucks though because it has to connect under the keyboard, makes for an "interesting" typing experience.

But i guess you could just buy any antenna you find online that has the right kind of connector, but where's the fun in that:)
Hmm, that looks kind of interesting, and not unlike some of the "Pringles Can" antennas I've seen... Maybe I'll have to try making one of those sometime.
Yeah it's pretty fun, but for some reason the neighbors act kind of wierd out when there's a 4 foot PVC pipe with a coffee can taped to the back pointing at thier house. Wierdos:D :D :D