External Drive Directory - Damaged


An iMac 3.2 GHz Core i3 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3, 1TBI, w/ a 320GB external USB PASSPORT hard drive. The only folder on the PASSPORT (at least used to be) was approx 85GB iTunes mp3s. While copying this 85GB to another external 1TB drive, I accidentally cancelled the transfer. (and deleted my existing b/u BEFORE next b/u was complete) Now only approximately 50% of the original folder displays in the directory for the PASSPORT. The folders & files not dispayed must be on the drive as they weren't deleted - just that the directory file for the drive has been corrupted. I have run Disk Utility & Disk Warrior 4.1 on the PASSPORT but to no avail seeing the rest of the folders, files. Drive is formatted Mac OS journaled.