External Firewire Crash Recovery?


For some weird reason, my external firewire drives seem intermittenly to lock up my system. I've let the computer sit for close to an hour once...couldn't access anything in the Finder. The only thing I could think to do is unplug the computer from the back, unplug the firewire drive/s, restart and plug the drives back in. However when I went to do that this morning, I got a message immediately on plugging in the drive that it can't be read by OSX- initialize, ignore, eject. Not a good trhing to happen to a Back/Archive drive. I tried running Disk Utility from the internal hard drive, and from OSX Panther CD. Both times this is the message I received:

Verifying volume “disk2s3”
Checking HFS Plus volume.
Catalog file entry not found for extent
The volume needs to be repaired.

Volume check failed.

Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972)

1 volume checked
0 HFS volumes verified
1 volume failed verification

Does anyone know if there are any other Utilities that might fix this problem, or is all lost and should I just reformat (UGH!)

Here are the Specs:

Computer: G5 dual 2ghz, 160 HD. 1.5 GB Ram, OS X.3.1
Problem Drive: Maxtor external firewire 3000DV (80 GB)

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.


When using Disk Utility, did you try having it repair the drive?

Try Drive 10 or Disk Warrior. Do NOT use Norton !!!
Thanks for the reply.

I used Apple's disk utility. Tried doing a Disk repair and a Permissions repair.

On all attempts of accessing/mounting/repairing, I received the error message in my first post.

Makes me think if this problem is related to the mishaps other people were having with the firewire 800 drives.

I had checked out Disk Warrior's site. Apparently, there's an issue with Panther that are addressing. Haven't tried Drive 10. Norton totally sucks.

My gut tells me that I lost everything, but I'll try the other measures before I reformat.

Again, thanks,
