External Hard drive Access problem


Hello everyone! I did try and search for a similar problem so I apologise if this has been asked before.

On Thursday I did one of those usual OS updates, but after that my external hard drive would no longer connect to my Mac.
My external hard drive is a Buffalo and has no firewire so I have to connect via a chord. The power light is green and happy but the access light only shines for a few seconds as I switch it on, then nothing.
I have tried the HD on my work PC and same result. I bought a new connecting cord and same problem.

What can I do? I am not very computer savvy so I am sorry if this sounds daft :-(
Thank you in advance!
Hi! I'm actually having the exact same problem with my Buffalo Harddrive and mac... I'm not sure when it stopped working, but it's even doing the same thing with the lights. Have you found a solution yet?
Hey, yes I sent my hard drive to Buffalo in Nagano and they fixed it for free. You just had to pay for it to be sent there