F/S: iBook, 12"/800/384mb/Combo, Airport


I think its time to upgrade to a G4. Ive been doing more and more graphics stuff, and think I could really benifit from the G4's processing, and the DDR ram in the 12" PB. So, in order to do that, heres my 12" iBook....

12" iBook (bought new from apple, 11/02)
800 mHz
384 MB Ram
Combo drive (cd-rw/dvd)
Airport Card

The top is scuffed up, from coming in and out of a bag. Obviously doesnt affect the performance.
One rubber foot on the bottom is also missing.

I am looking to get around $1150 or so. Please email me or post here, for offers or questions.
yes, I will try to get some pix up soon...
I dont know if the pics will really show the scuffs, but I will try.