Failed OSX install, then dead drive. Help?


I was attempting to upgrade a Dual USB model G3 iBook running 9.2.2 to 10.3.9. Halfway through the install, it hung on me, and the hard drive sounded like it was spinning, but it was clicking. I baled out of the install, booted from the CD, erased the drive, and attempted a new install. However, there was no hard drive recognized whatsoever. The computer was working before the installation attempt.

Any ideas? Did the install kill the drive, or did it just happen to die during the install? Also, is there a utility that can repair a drive? (Other than the Disk Utility on the CD, which I already tried, and it didn't work)

Any help at all would be appreciated.
I doubt that the install killed the drive. It could just be that the drive was already on its way out. Unfortunately, once that clicking sound occurs, the drive is basically toast (this is usually a physical damage, not an electronic one). You can take it to a place called DriveSavers in order to recover the data but it's VERY expensive.