Family Planning Software


Please let me know if there is equivalent software on the OSX platform for fertility planning? I have used a package and the developers have no planning to distribute for the MAC platform. I would really appreciate it if you can point me to something if available. Thank you very much.

im not sure what you are talking about but try and search for "family". I know there are some family applications but im not sure if they are what you are talking about. How did the software work? I'm not sure what you mean by family planning software. If there is enough demand for it i will build your family planning software. Thats the great thing about supply and demand, if enough users want a software program, the developer will write it. If you explain to me how it works im sure i can build it for ya. Get back to me on that.
Yeah, we saw that link the first time. whitesaint meant you should check, and whether there's _another_ software which does the same task. And if the online one works, why not use that?