Favourite Rumorsite

What's your favourite Rumorsite?

  • Railheaddesign

  • Spymac

  • MOSR.com

  • [url]www.wincent.org[/url] (down again)

  • ThinkSecret

  • MacRumors

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Railheaddesign is my favorite, because while it posts rumors rarely, they are almost always right on target. That's what's most important.
I think ThinkSecret has the broadest amount of news, and they sometimes have big rumors that none of the other sites have. I don't like their new theme though...
MOSR has more detailed news and are more often correct than ThinkSecret I think.
SpyMac, well, they are rarely guesses right, but a lot of fun to read!:D
I actually like macrumors.com, it is kind of like the slashdot of rumor sites. It links to other sites with different rumors. I visit them all though :)
I think Think Secret is the best because they have good information that is not far fetched. Macrumors is also good because they have a great message board.

The others I don't visit often. mosr.com used to be on the top of my list too but they don't update enough to keep me reading.
I enjoy macrumors because it often has all of the rumors, both goofy and realistic. MOSR and SpyMac are great for laughs, and Thinksecret.com Railhead Design and AtAT are all great for rock solid info. So, macrumors posts oftenly and has a wide range of info, so I often check there first, though I do check all daliy. AtAT is by far the most entertaining, though crazyapplerumors.com is also fun.
I like the rumor site here because they are all 3rd or 4th or 25th hand recounts and they become really funny and far fetched:) If I'm going to read rumors I want to laugh and know that there really is no basis of fact and then be pleasantly surprised when one of them come true.
Of those, my favorite is Think Secret, but I don't regularly read any of the rumor sites listed. I pretty much just read AtAT every day, and if there's a link there to one of the rumor sites, I'll read it.

Years ago, when we all had an iMac Rev A, when Internet just became famous, Wincent was there.

Wincent is gone now.

Because he went to CFGN or somethin'. He says he'll be back. I don't believe him anymore. But he was good with his i'm-the-first-with-every-new-mac-os-x-built-reviews!

For the last 6 months, Think Secret has had the best track record with it's rumor reporting. Plus, they report on a wide variety of rumor topics - hardware and software.

Mac OS Rumors (mosr.com) used to be the best, but lately, they've started to speculate about projects so far down the pipe that it all sounds like they are blowing smoke up your arse. I mean, even Apple doesn't really know what's going to be released 1 year from now. They have projects in the works, but when they are in the very early stages, they can go many different ways.

MacRumors does little more than parrott what is already out on other websites.

RailHeadDesign, while not specifically a rumors site, does have inside info from time to time. Most of Maury's hardware rumors usually don't come to fruition, but his software rumors are usually dead on. How Maury gets around his NDA is beyond me.

SpyMac has got to be the worst. That whole iWalk debacle left them with zero credibility in my book.

On a nostalgic note, I really miss AppleInsider. Up until about 18 months ago they were the best rumor site. They broke the Cube story days before it's release, and were dead on about 75% of the time. It's a shame to see the site nothing more than a forum now.