Feeling uncomfortable


Dear Apple....(seems like a letter to SantaClaus).

First point -> Realy ! Why are you doing like Microsoft ? Why are you releasing un-finished softwares....OSX, then OSX 10.1....

Examples ?:
- Irda on my Ti-book isn't working. No driver available. From what I read, it works with the brand new one ! Quite expensive upgrade !
- Classic OS9 isn't stable. Better then the beta but still not enough.
- I had to get a patch for UAM access on NT machines.
- Access to NT shares is ugly. Nothing is kept. Have to retype all if any mistake is done....
- Usb quivkcams don't work. No driver.
- Palm Desktop doesn't exist in OSX. Ok 3com should have done it. But my computer is a whole. Couldn't you push them a bit ? Integration is key nowadays.

Second point -> As an IT pro, I'd like to see everyone using a mac. At home but more to say : in the office. This is the main goal. Your message isn't arriving to companies. Talk to head IT managers, send them test computers so they can spread the good news : macintosh are cheaper to maintain. Users are less stressed using a mac.....I could speach days on that.

I have been a Mac addict for severale years, spending time and energy "selling out" your products to my friends/family/relatives that were using x86.
Don't make me regret my engagment !


M$ made their UAM before Apple had encryption on appleshare passwords. Way to go M$ for trying to protect passwords and all, but since then they've pretty much written off the protocol entirely. the microsoft UAM is obsolete, and so is the flavor of AppleShare that NT uses. Apple has long since offered a native password encryption method that M$ hasn't even tried to support, let alone AppleShare over IP. You wanna connect to an NT machine? 9 with old UAM or X with the native windows file sharing client command. The command is ugly, but at least that version of file sharing has been maintained by microsoft this millenium.

And 9 not being stable ... hence X. let 9 die.

I do feel your pain on the unfinished software feel, but from a comp sci background, I can understand it. By testing early and often and increasing teh frequency of releases you maximize programmer effort to customer product. They are angrifying a few customers along the way, and I think they could be releasing more often, but yeah, it's a new tactic from Apple that seems yucky in comparison to some of the old releases. At the same time, the bastard shipped. Copland, Gershwin... if you're kvetching now, be glad you didn't adopt X server Feb99. (v1.0) like I did. Whew have we come a long way.

I'm writing my letter to 3com shortly, I'd love Palm integration of a reasonable sort. Whatever happened to fog city software?