Feng Shui .. computing


Chmod 760
Staff member
Feng Shui computer ... maybe someone should post Ive the link to that? What would Apple's Feng Shui implemented computer be called? iFeng? Or some planning principles for the next iMac ... :rolleyes:
I saw this a while ago. I had read this and about half way I realized this was actually a joke. I thought it was funny enough to post on the bulletin board in my office. You wouldn't believe how many people actually believed this was for real! I had to tell them it was a joke! Shows the kind of folks us techs in the office (who realized it was a joke) have to deal with on a day to day basis....and this is an educational department!! :confused:
Well, some people were laughing on it here in the morning .. all tech geeks ....
As long as you don't read the titles of the other links, it looks kind of good.. :)