Few apple questions (first time buyer)


Ok, I plan on getting an ibook today, just unsure of a few options.

1. Should I go with the 12in or the 14in screen?
2. Should I just go ahead and have apple put the extra 256mb of ram for $100?
3. Is there anything else I really need besides the laptop (extended warranty (ordering from www.apple.com)

Thank you for any help you can give me.
12"...no more res on 14"

no...get ram after market...it's cheaper so you can get more

AppleCare is a good option...but I think you can buy it during your first year of included service. Maybe someone else can verify that statement.

Enjoy the iBook. I am super jealous of you now!

Thanks for the quick response :)

Yea, I was reading through the forum a bit and have seen a few posts reguarding after-market ram. Do you or anyone else have any recommendations are far as stores to purchase ram from?

And now that you mention it, I would enjoy a more portable laptop (12''), instead of a bigger, more heavier laptop.

Thanks for your input, and please, keep them coming.

**Thanks for the warning :D
Don't ask about the warez...it'll only get you in trouble....and I would edit your post and remove it before the mods find it. Don't get off on the wrong foot.

Get ram from www.crucial.com

Good luck,
Welcome to the forum, deltron. You've come to the right place for all your Apple needs.
Definitely the 12", and definitely max out the RAM. I have an iBook and am completely content with it.
Oh yeah, and if you are a student, go for the education discount. Also, check the refurbished machines on the Apple website. You can some great deals there. For example:
iBook G4 1GHz/256MB/60GB/Combo/E/56K/ 14" TFT $1,199.00
iBook G4 800MHz/128MB/30GB/CD-ROM/E/56K/12" TFT-Refurbished $749.00
iBook G4 800MHz/256MB/30GB/Combo/E/56K/ 12" TFT-Refurbished $849.00
iBook G4 1GHz/256MB/60GB/Combo/E/56K/ 14" TFT-Refurbished $1,149.00
First of all, where are you? If you're in the US, get the iBook from MacMall, because you get loads of free RAM. It always amazes me that people don't notice this.
I have the 14" only because it has about an extra hour of battery life. I wish it also had a better screen res, but... :(
MacMall gives "free RAM" but you have to pay 150 $ for obbligatory installation of the RAM (that was when I was in market for Powerbook. So I for some weird reason went for j&r). So ask www.jr.com, they gave 256 MB RAM without installation (thus no installation fee). It will take you 5 minutes to install the RAM yourself.
Make sure the iBook is a G4. You'll get better performance and value in the long run. I'd say get the 14, but try both out and see what makes you feel comfortable. Forget AppleCare. You have 90 days of complete coverage and can still buy AC until a year from date of purchase.
If you don't have one, try and budget enough for an iPod. You'll want one. And welcome to the Mac world.

Browsing the forum is a good way to discover stuff. And versiontracker.com and macupdate.com are good for software.
If an Apple shop is nearby, check to see if they have monthly programs, usually they'll offer one on a subject such as digital-video editing.

Oh, and consider an AirPort card and AirPort station/wireless hub for wireless browsing. Once you go wireless, it's hard to go back. As you go along you can always add extras like a monitor (using a third-party hack), external keyboard, mouse, etc.
I keep telling her that it's only $30, and they'll do the airport card at the same time, but she doesn't believe me :(
Congrats on the decision to buy an iBook Deltron. I have an iBook 12" and it is fantastic. A friend's girlfriend has the 14", and while I enjoy the extra screen size, it seems a shame to give up that ultra-tiny-ness of the 12", which tucks neatly in with textbooks and folders and parks nicely on those annoying little foldaway desks you find in university auditoriums. The screen resolution is the same.

Whatever deal you decide to go with on the RAM, I would recommend you don't just leave it at stock 256mb ... at 256mb the iBook would be quite quick, but not as 'snappy' as it could be.

As for anything else you might need an external optical mouse is handy. You can use any USB mouse, so take the time to hunt for one that suits your tastes. If you get a Bluetooth equipped iBook, then a Bluetooth mouse is fantastic.
i just got an ibook g4 12" from macmall, the lowest end model. they throw in a free carrying case and 512 more of ram for $30. Very good deal. The 12" is good, small, portable, and the screen doesn't seem cramped at all.
dlloyd said:
I keep telling her that it's only $30, and they'll do the airport card at the same time, but she doesn't believe me :(

They have hopefully changed the pricing since I called them, the last time I changed my Mac. Last year they wanted 150 $ for installing it on the Powerbook.

In either case, installing RAM is easy. All you need is to have a look on the pictures, some clean surface, 5-10 minutes time without hurrying, and a screwdriver of the size they use to fix the eye glasses. :cool: